Break into the world of education consulting and speaking!

The Top 5 Secrets to Being A Successful Educational Consultant!


Dates coming soon!


Takeaways from this webinar:

● How to narrow your area of expertise and why that is important 
● Why managing the many parts of a business is critical to your success 
● The secrets to overcoming the "educator mindset" that hinders you from making a greater impact
● The biggest mistakes new or veteran consultants make, and how to avoid it 


Don't wait another day to explore the possibility of a new
exciting and rewarding chapter in your life.

Register for the free one-hour webinar to learn:

The Top 5 Secrets to Becoming a Successful Consultant!


Get started by using the skills you already have to make a bigger impact, supplement your income, and do something you love.

P.S. Are you not familiar with LaVonna and how she can be such a huge help to get you started in education consulting? Read about her below!

Hey, Everyone!
LaVonna here. After making many mistakes and achieving many wins over the past 12 years of successful consulting, I decided it was time to teach others. It is the number one question I am asked, "How did you get started in consulting?"
This was not a plan by any means. I taught elementary and secondary school for ten years, was a single mom for several, and the only way I could see a chance to get out of 3 degrees of student loan debt was to go into administration. 
I had an opportunity to pivot and took it! This pivot led to experiences in sales, business development, marketing, management and consulting for others. After some tough lessons and experiences, I decided that going out on my own was what was needed. What I didn't realize until later was how all the experiences I went through between teaching and starting my own company, all play a part in owning a business today!
Probably like you, I didn't go to school for business, so I have been on the learning train ever since - and LOVE it!
After tens of thousands of dollars invested in coaching and tens of thousands of dollars spent on attending business events, I am grateful for the knowledge I now have.  The challenges I have gone through and the success of where I am today has allowed me to prove to myself that I am enough.
All I know - is if I can do this,! I'm no more special than you! I've just found the right information and the right processes to make this business rock more and more every year. That's not my favorite part though. 
My favorite part is the difference I get to make in other people's lives. 
To now have an opportunity to help you fulfill your dreams, do something you thought you could never do and to save you time and money (where I spent it),...count me in! I am here for you!
Hugs (Yep! I'm a hugger!),